What is Character Solutions?

Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character.
— Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Scientist

Our History

In 2003, John and Janice Garmo were invited to help educators in post communist countries encourage character formation within their next generation of leaders.  As credentialed educators themselves, Dr. and Mrs. Garmo welcomed those invitations. At their first training seminar in October of 2003 they served a select group of 27 elementary teachers in Romania. During the next 18 months, they met with this group several times to introduce new character education materials, evaluate program progress, and exchange new ideas. 

Since that first seminar the word has spread and demand has increased. Additional CSI presenters are being trained. Teams continue to respond to requests for Character Solutions® around the world. We have presented seminars in Bolivia, Canada, Grenada, Egypt, India, Jordan, Liberia, Lithuania, Romania, South Africa, and the United States.

Our Logo

The Character Solutions® logo consists of a compass and a tree. The compass represents our need to choose the right direction. It symbolizes our internal moral values compass, crucial for making good decisions.

The compass needle that points to true north is a giant redwood tree, which represents character. The giant redwood tree stands out because it is the tallest and widest tree in the world. It is also unusually resistant to insects and fire. As the rings of a redwood tree strengthen its trunk, “rings of character” strengthen the person who diligently develops them. Like the redwood tree, people with good character stand tall and stand firm, unusually resistant to temptations and adversity. Good character helps a person make good decisions.

The Development of Character

Character Solutions International provides seminars by certified trainers and follow-up materials especially designed for educators of children ranging in age from seven to eleven.


Character Solutions® International was founded by John Garmo, PhD.